Dernières Conférences

Urban and Form on sustainable urbanism
Politecnico di Milano | 15 May 2014
En anglais et italien

Sustainable Urban Forms and Design
Politecnico di Torino | 14 May 2014
En anglais et italien

Séminaire d'analyse multifractale
Université de Créteil | 7 mai 2014
Multifractales urbaines : données empiriques et cadre d'analyse

10th International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building
and New Technologies and Products Expo
Beijing | 28-30 Mars 2014 (en anglais)

1st slide

Séminaire Caisse des Dépôts | 10 février 2014
Formes urbaines et transition énergétique dans les territoires


Séminaire Robert Auzelle | 29 janvier 2014 

 Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement | Nov. 2013
UNEP-FI Global Roundtable Beijing (en anglais)


Conférences plus anciennes

Salat, S., Assessing urban sustainability, BSA2012, Porto, 2012

Salat, S., Smart and Synergy Grids, The Leaf Versus the Tree, Technoport 2012

Salat, S., Systemic resilience and efficiency of complex urban systems, Keynote Speech, SASBE2012, Sao Paulo, 2012

Salat, S., Scale hierarchy, exergy maximisation and urban efficiency, ELCAS 2011

Salat, S., Assessing cities: a new system of spatial indicators, SB11 Helsinki, World Sustainable Building Conference 2011

Salat, S., Factor 10: multiplying by 10 resource productivity in the urban world, SB11 Helsinki, World Sustainable Building Conference, 2011

Salat, S., The Art of Medieval urban design, the case of Toledo, SB10 Madrid, 2010

Salat, S., Urban morphology and the quest for zero carbon cities. SB Netherlands, 2010

Salat, S., City fabric and energy efficiency: case studies in morphological assessment of the sustainability of cities, SB Finland, 2010

Salat, S., A common metrics and set of indicators for assessing buildings and urban fabric sustainability performance, SB Prague, 2010

Salat, S., Sustainable Mediterranean Urban development affordable to all, a morphological Approach, SB Portugal, 2010

Salat, S., Sustainable Arabic Urban Design at neighbourhood scale, a Morphological Approach, The Second International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development, 2010

Salat, S., Les politiques urbaines du développement durable au Maghreb et en Méditerranée : entre enjeux opérationnels et enjeux scientifiques, Journées d’étude organisées par l’IRMC (Tunis) et le CEDEJ (Le Caire), 2010

Salat, S., Urban Morphology and Green Building energy efficiency, Science informing Sustainable Design of Chinese Ecocities, Intelligent and Green Building Conference, Beijing, 2009

Salat, S., A « one system approach » to sustainable urban growth, Tianjin, September 2009

Salat, S., Cultural, Political and Social Lessons provided by the Mediterranean Urban Forms, SB MED, 2008

Salat, S., Is the Chinese City Fabric in Transition Sustainable? Compared Urban Morphologies, Densities and Energy in China, Japan and Europe, SB 08 CHINA FORUM, 2008

Salat, S., Green Building and City Design Theory: The energy impact of urban morphologies on Green building efficiency, Intelligent and Green Building Conference, Beijing, 2008

Salat, S., International Comparison of Urban Morphologies: Kyoto, Paris and Chinese cities, 3D GEO INFO, 2008

Salat, S., The Japanese urban form, a lesson for a sustainable Asian development, 7ème Conférence Franco Japonaise, 2008.

Salat, S., Energy savings / energy efficiency, The world energy dilemma, Women’s forum Asia, 2008

Salat, S., Energy and Ecology Efficiency of Urban Morphologies: A Comparative Analysis of Asian, American and European Cities, Sustainable Building Conference Hong Kong, 2007

Salat, S., Energy and bioclimatic efficiency of urban morphologies: a comparative analysis of Asian and European cities Conference on Sustainable Building South East Asia, 2007

Salat, S., Energy and bioclimatic efficiency of urban morphologies: towards a comparative analysis of Asian and European cities, Sustainable Building, 2007

Salat, S., Empreintes écologiques, énergétiques et carbone de l’urbanisation, Aménagement durable, Ville durable, Transport durable, Collège des Hautes Études de l’Environnement & du Développement Durable, 2007

Salat, S., People, buildings and energy, Energy efficiency in buildings, Chinaforum, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, international Energy, 2007

Salat, S., Architecture and planning of sustainable high quality neighbourhoods, site integration, Intelligent and Green Building Conference, Beijing, 2007

Salat, S., Energie, étalement urbain et gouvernance en Chine, UNESCO, Accès à l’énergie pour tous, 2006